Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome to Room 11

Happy New Year everybody!

Welcome back to school. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all and working and learning with you. As always, we have an exciting and busy year ahead of us. On this blog you will be able to see some of the exciting things we do in class, read important class notices and reminders, and even find links to helpful learning sites on the web. You can even have your own input into what we are doing by posting comments of your own.

This blog will include photos of students' best work and class events so, shortly, I will be sending home a form to confirm which children have permission to appear on our blog. This is a fabulous way for distant family members such as grandparents and cousins to share in your child's successes and exciting events like feild trips, camps and competitions.

Please try to check the blog regularly for homework reminders, class notices and celebrations. And your children will be thrilled, I'm sure, if you take the time to give them some positive feedback and encouragment as well.

Important reminders

Term one, of course, means lots of sunshine, heat and activity. Please remember to bring a wide-brimmed hat to school everyday otherwise you will miss out on playing outside.

The hot weather means you will dehydrate really fast so a named water bottle is a must!

Our swimming season starts straight away. Room 11's swimming days are Monday, Tuesday and Friday so bring your togs along then. Sunscreen is also highly recomended as there isn't much shade down at the pool.

At 10 am we will stop for Brain Break and everyone will have a chance to rehydrate themselves with water and keep their energy up with a healthy snack. Please ensure your snacks are healthy - chippies, sticky carbs and anything with chocolate in it will not be allowed at Brain Break time.