Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Are you ready to present yet?

How is your science presentation progressing? Are you ready to show the other classes yet? How do you know if your presentation is as good as it can be?

Use the self assessment guidelines below to decide if your project is ready to be shared.

Explaining the Science Ideas:

We can’t explain our science ideas

Apprentice: We have tried to explain a science idea about forces

Practitioner: We can explain two science ideas in our sport using precise science vocab

Expert: We can clearly explain lots of science ideas (3 or more), using accurate science vocabulary to a high standard.

Recording the Process:

We don't have much to show others about our process.

Apprentice: We have some recordings of our process using some different media.

Practitioner: We have regular recordings of our process using a variety of media.

Expert: We have detailed, regular recordings of our process using a variety of media.

Game on presentations

We have spent some time now learning about everyday forces, particularly gravity, friction, air resistance, push and pull. We even touched on inertia and motion. Here are some of the things Room 11 students have learnt about forces.

The Riverdale Basic Facts Ladder

Climb your way to success! The Basic facts ladder is a tool to assist your Basic facts knowledge. This progression is to help you with the next learning step. Ask your grown-up to help you, then I'll do checks with you back at school.

Have fun climbing the ladder, look ahead and don't be scared of heights.

Stage 7
57. Divisibility rules for 4, 6, 8

56. Divisibility rules for 2, 3, 5, 9, 10

55. Simple powers of numbers up to 10. eg 5 to the power of 2 = 25

0. 5 to the power of 3 = 125

54. Square numbers to 100 and corresponding roots eg 7 to power of 2 = 49.

Square root of 49 = 7

53. Common factors of numbers to 100 eg of 48 and 64 = 1,2,4,8,16

52. Least common multiples of numbers to 10 eg 24 is LCM of 6 and 8

51. Fractions – decimals - % eg 75% = 0.75 = ¾

50. Knows all division basic facts

Stage 6

49. Multiplication basic facts with 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s eg 10 x 100 1000 x 10,400 361 x 1,000

48. Division facts for 6 x tables

47. Division facts for 4 x tables

46. Division facts for 3 x tables

45. Multiplication facts for 9 x tables

44. Multiplication facts for 8 x tables

43. Multiplication facts for 7 x tables

42. Multiplication facts for 6 x tables

41. Multiplication facts for 4 x tables

40. Multiplication facts for 3 x tables

39. Subtraction facts from 10-20 eg 16 – 8, 19 – 2, 13 – 4

Stage 5

38. Multiples of 100 that add to make 1000 eg 400 + 600 300 + 700

37. 10 times tables division facts

36. 5 times tables division facts

35. 2 times tables division facts

34. 10 times tables

33. 5 times tables

32. 2 times tables

31. Subtraction from 10 eg 10 – 5 10 – 8

30. Add combinations up to 20 eg 11 + 6 14 + 3

29. Combinations to make 20 eg 15 + 5 14 + 6

Stage 4

28. Multiples of ten (decades) to 100 eg 30 + 70, 40 + 60

27. Ten and facts eg 10 + 4, 7 + 10

26. "tens in decades" e.g.10's in 80, 10's in 30 between 24 and 25

25. Doubles to 10 + 10 eg 9 + 9, 7 + 7

24. Subtraction combinations up to 10 eg 7 – 4, 10 – 2

23. Addition combinations up to 10 eg 4 + 3, 6 +2

Stage 2 -3

22. Doubles that add up to 10 eg 5 + 5 6 + 4

21. Subtract up to 5 eg 4 – 2 3 – 3

20. Subtract from 5 eg 5 – 4 5 – 1

19. Add combinations to 5 eg 1 + 3 3 + 0

18. Combinations to make 5 eg 2 + 3 5 + 0

17. Addition with 5 e.g.5 + 2, 4 + 5

16. Addition combos to make 10 e.g.4 + 6, 3 + 7

15. Recognise patterns to 10 e.g.tens frame patterns

Stage 0-1

14. Say number before up to 10 eg -7, -9, -10

13. Say number after up to 10 eg 5-, 8-, 7-

12. Say number before up to 5 eg -3, -4, -1

11. Say number after to 5 eg 4-5, 3-4

10. Order number cards eg 0-10

9. Write numerals 0 – 10 correctly

8. Count backwards from 10

7. Tens frame patterns to 10

6. Recognise numerals to ten

5. Finger patterns to 10

4. Recognise numerals to 5

3. Know dice patterns to 6

2. Finger patterns to 5

1. Count forwards to 10